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Artwork façade fixing

Posted by Ben Kearnsover 3 years ago
Artwork façade fixing

Hi there - we are faced with a problem of hanging pre-painted plywood boards onto a masonry and/or concrete elevation.

I am looking for some sort of anchor and track hanging system that doesn't involve puncturing the plywood artboard on site. That is not to say we can not install a rail on the rear of the boar din the workshop before we arrive on site.


1 Reply
Posted by Team Ask Hiltiover 3 years ago

Thank you for your question. What is the thicknes of the plywood artboard? What is the size of the artboards? What is supposed to be the distance between the artboard and the masonry/ concrete? Do you have any drawings of it? How many m2 in total? Where is the project? Outdoor/ indoor? I have many more questions but let us start here! :)